EP130: Telling Our Secrets

Lea Wernli and Shailia Stephens had secret lives.

Lea had everything she thought she wanted, but she was secretly drinking, eating, and shopping more than she wanted to.

And Shailia was moving up the ranks in her marketing career, only to come home from work and be flooded with worry and anxiety. 

When they came across the New Paradigm, everything changed for both of them. 

Wanting to share what they’d seen, they created an online summit called My Secret Life to show the world that we’re far more alike than different.  We all feel like we’re the only ones who struggle, who appear to have it all together on the outside but who are sometimes falling apart on the inside.

And most of all, to share that it doesn’t have to be this way. It definitely does not. 

Shailia and Lea have a special passion for sharing this understanding with the German speaking world, so the My Secret Life summit is in English and in German. I highly recommend you check it out, and maybe share it with someone you think could benefit. 

Enjoy this conversation with Lea and Shailia!

My Secret Life in English: http://mysecretlife-online.com

My Secret Life in German: http://meingeheimesleben.com

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