EP224: The way out is right under your nose

I am constantly hearing from people who have tried everything. They’ve read every book, taken every course, studied every philosophy, self-help method, and religion. Many of them have been doing these things for decades.

So you can imagine their surprise when their habit remains. 

In this episode, we’ll explore the way a mind will take us all over the world, to every teacher, every sage, spending all our time and money…when what we’re looking for is right under our nose. It’s the one thing we haven’t tried: Actually feeling what’s arising.

I’ll share the question I always ask when people say they’ve tried everything to no avail, and I’ll share an email exchange I had with someone in this situation. 


Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 1st I’ll be hosting a webinar where you can hear all about the Change Coach Training Program from me and from a panel of graduates. 

I’ll talk about the way the program works, who it’s for, and what people come away with personally and professionally. And best of all, I’ll be joined by some actual change coaches who can speak to their experience. 

Register for the webinar at https://dramyjohnson.com/changecoachwebinar2023

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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Dr. Amy Johnson’s work has helped thousands of people find lasting freedom from unwanted habits and anxiety, and realize deeper meaning and peace of mind. Get access to free resources to help you on your journey by creating a free Student Access account today!