Tag: podcast

EP19: Gratitude and Contentment in the New Paradigm

In honor of US Thanksgiving this week, this episode explores how gratitude and contentment look from the New Paradigm.Because they look a bit different than in the Old Paradigm.The Old Paradigm is all about doing. Adding. Bringing in more of what we want.The New Paradigm acknowledges that nothing need be added. You are full of

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EP18: Recovery from Within with Rebecca Perkins and Bea Arscott

In this episode I talk with Rebecca Perkins and Bea Arscott, a mother and daughter duo who share this New Paradigm really beautifully…particularly with regard to their experience with anorexia.Several years ago, Bea was diagnosed with anorexia and struggled with that for many years. Which means Rebecca had her own struggle—a daughter with anorexia—for many

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EP17: How Life is Providing Constant Feedback

Do you know what your feelings are showing you?If they provide feedback that guides us through life, do you know how to read that feedback?The Old Paradigm had it wrong. It taught us to read our feelings in a way that actually isn’t accurate; a way that has created endless confusion and complication for people

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EP16: The Anatomy of Anxiety

In this episode, I share Sherry’s story.Sherry experienced a lot of anxiety. And a lot of anxiety and fear of her anxiety.As she began to see more about who she really is and what her thoughts and feelings really are, she was far less afraid of her  feelings. Anxiety as a chronic, habitual condition can’t

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EP15: How Alcohol Addiction is Changeable with Annie Grace

In this episode of Changeable I talk with Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind.Annie used to drink a lot, and now she doesn’t. It didn’t resonate with her to label herself an alcoholic or go to meetings and talk a lot about it (although those are helpful things to do for some people). Instead,

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EP14: Is it Okay to Use Tools and Techniques? Or Am I Supposed to Do Nothing?

In this episode, I clear up some confusion.You see, in the Old Paradigm in psychology, there is A LOT to do. It’s a full time job, turning thoughts around and breathing just so and riding waves of emotion…making sense of the past and meaning for the future, and processing…well, whatever people process.In the New Paradigm

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EP13: How Achievement, Mastery, and Productivity go through the roof in The New Paradigm with Fernanda –Life on Tellus

My guest on today’s episode is Fernanda from Life on Tellus. Fernanda is classic high achiever, as you’ll hear from her shortly. She’s mastered many things in life and she’s just getting started.But all of that achievement used to look necessary, like it was what she had to do to be acceptable. And that came

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EP12: The Most Important Thing You Can Ever Know

In this episode, I tell you about my favorite metaphor of all time. It’s an illustration that makes clear what I humbly believe…just may be…the MOST important thing you can ever, ever know.Intrigued? You should be! It’s seriously good stuff that will clarify a lot. This truth has been square one for freedom from all

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EP4: Want to Break a Habit? Watch a Kid.

What can a child show you about living freely, without habits, anxiety, and other issues?Everything.Children show us how we come “out of the box”, before our mind creates thought and then forgets it was the creator. This episode will remind you what your out-of-the-box settings really are, and how easy it is to be back

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