Banner with a smiling woman wearing headphones connected to a phone. Text that says, 14 Days of Change. Daily insights that lead to lasting change. August 14th - 28th.
Banner with a smiling woman wearing headphones connected to a phone. Text that says, 14 Days of Change. Daily insights that lead to lasting change. August 14th - 28th.

You’re always changing

Are you tired of struggling with unwanted habits and constant worry? Change is a natural part of being human, yet it often feels difficult and elusive. But what if I told you that change doesn’t have to be hard?

Welcome to 14 Days of Change—a 14-day experience that will encourage profound insights into how you see yourself, your habits, and life itself. Change does not require intense effort, discipline, or willpower. True and lasting change is your nature.

Insight–a brand new way of seeing ourselves and our experience–results in change that is so fundamental, it doesn’t need to be maintained.

14 Days of Change is about revealing some very simple, but very deep insights that will help you see yourself, your habits, and all of life in a new way. When you see things in this new way, thoughts, feelings, and behavior change as a result.

What if change is actually simple…we’ve just been going about it the hard way?

Dr Amy Johnson

Hi, I’m Amy

I struggled with anxiety in many forms, from generalized anxiety to worry, to panic attacks and intrusive thoughts, for many years. Just when I thought my anxiety was “under control”, I found myself caught up in what turned out to be an 8-year binge eating and bulimia habit. I was told by many well-meaning professionals that I would likely struggle with both of these issues forever; that I could learn to cope, but that these habits would likely come back when I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

Thankfully, nothing could be further from the truth today. I have been completely free of anxiety and eating issues for many years now, with no effort or coping necessary. In that time, I’ve shared what helped me find freedom with people all over the world.

I’m the author of the bestselling books, The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit and Just a Thought: The No-Willpower Approach to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind. I’m the creator of The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped thousands of people find freedom from habits and anxiety. I also have a podcast called Changeable.

How It Works

Starting on August 14th, you’ll receive daily emails containing short audio recordings (with written transcripts provided, if you prefer) from me. Each recording will present a thought-provoking question or idea for you to contemplate.

Simply listen or read casually, with an open mind, considering the question or idea I pose to you.
You don’t have to try to apply what I’m sharing to your habit or issue. Simply reflect on what’s shared and see what occurs to you.

As part of this program, we’ll have 4 group calls with me and my Change Coaches during the 14 days. These calls are an opportunity to explore the ideas further, ask questions, and get personal support around what you’re seeing. You’ll find the schedule below.

That’s it!

You’ll be amazed at how different your issue, yourself, and the world begin to look in two weeks.

How It Works

Starting on August 14th, you’ll receive daily emails containing short audio recordings (with written transcripts provided, if you prefer) from me. Each recording will present a thought-provoking question or idea for you to contemplate.

Simply listen or read casually, with an open mind, considering the question or idea I pose to you.
You don’t have to try to apply what I’m sharing to your habit or issue. Simply reflect on what’s shared and see what occurs to you.

As part of this program, we’ll have 4 group calls with me and my Change Coaches during the 14 days. These calls are an opportunity to explore the ideas further, ask questions, and get personal support around what you’re seeing. You’ll find the schedule below.

That’s it!

You’ll be amazed at how different your issue, yourself, and the world begin to look in two weeks.

Before You Start

Think about one thing you would love to change.

Choose one habit you would love to see in a totally new way. It can be:

  • A behavioral habit (like overeating, biting your nails, or losing your temper),
  • A thought habit (like worry, ruminating, or comparing yourself to others)
  • An emotion-related habit (like habitual anxiety or moods).

If there are several things you’d like to change, choose one for now. You can always go through the 14 days again with a different habit.

What you’ll learn in these two weeks applies itself far and wide, so don’t be surprised if several things change. I find it easier, however, to go through the 14 days with one thing in mind each time.

I’ll see you in your inbox on August 14th to kick off your 14 Days of Change!

Mark your calendar!

We start on August 14th where you’ll receive your first email and access to your first audio.

We’ll have four 90-minute group calls with me and my Change Coaches. These calls will be on:

Thursday, August 17th with Amy Johnson
Monday, August 21st with Missy Maiorano
Thursday, August 24th with Kelly O’Connell
Monday, August 28th with Kristina Bruce

All calls are at 3pm Eastern (12 noon Pacific, 8pm UK, 9pm CET)

Don’t worry if you’re unable to attend the calls live; they will be recorded for your convenience. You’ll have the opportunity to submit your questions in advance, ensuring that you receive personalized support even if you can’t join the calls in real time.

You will have lifelong access to the recorded calls, allowing you to revisit them whenever you need a refresher.

Close up image of someone's hands. One hand is holding a phone and the other is writing something in a calendar

Registration is Now Closed

Consider Joining The Little School of Big Change Self-Study Course

Registration for 14 Days of Change is now closed, but we highly recommend The Little School of Big Change Self-Study Course instead!

The LSBC Self-Study is all about breaking free from unwanted habits, anxiety, issues, and much more! Learn more here.


What is the understanding that is shared in 14 Days of Change?

The understanding shared in 14 Days of Change is rooted in simple yet profound human truths. It draws upon principles found in various philosophical, psychological, and spiritual teachings throughout history. This understanding has proven to be incredibly transformative, surpassing other approaches in my 22 years of immersion in psychology and spirituality.

Will the understanding I’ll learn in the 14 Days of Change help with anything I might be dealing with? Are there particular habits or issues it will not help?

There are no issues too big or too deep for change. The insightful understanding of the human experience taught in this program has led individuals to walk away from serious drug addictions, overcome suicidal depression, and break free from long-standing eating disorders, among other examples.

This understanding works from the inside-out. You won’t get strategies, behavioral techniques, or surface-level fixes; you will learn an understanding of life that alters the way you view all experience. It shifts your foundation. In that way, it truly does apply to everything.

When are the Group Calls held? What if I have scheduling conflicts or live in a different time zone?

The group calls are on:

  • August 17th at 3 p.m. Eastern
  • August 21st at 3 p.m. Eastern
  • August 24th at 3 p.m. Eastern
  • August 28th at 3 p.m. Eastern

Each call runs for approximately 90 minutes, and you are free to join late or leave early if needed. While attending the calls live is beneficial, all the calls will be recorded and made available within a few hours after they end.

I often find that many people can’t attend all of the live calls for various reasons. They listen to the recordings and still get enormous value! It’s great if you can be there live, but it’s not necessary.

You’ll also have an opportunity to send your questions before the call if you can’t make it, so even if you’re not there live, all of your questions will be addressed.

What is the time commitment of the course?

Each week, there are 2 group calls. Each call lasts around 90 minutes.

In addition, there will be one audio recording each day. Each recording is less than 5 minutes.