In training and mentoring well over 100 coaches, I’ve seen one simple thing that determines a coach’s effectiveness and business success more than anything else.

It actually matters a lot more than anything else. There is no close second.

That one simple thing is your continuing dedication to your own personal freedom.

Many new coaches graduate from coach training and promptly go into business mode, looking for strategies and marketing tools “out there” that promise to produce clients so they can do the work they love.

It’s understandable that our attention shifts in this way. It’s also misguided and can be disastrous when it comes to being an effective, working coach.

When coaches stop prioritizing their own grounding, their coaching effectiveness, the steps they take in their businesses, and the passion that brought them into this profession suffer.

In my experience, marketing knowledge, systems and tools are maybe 5-10% of coaching success. It’s helpful to know a few things, but there are no magic marketing strategies that would make all the difference (I say this having tried most of what’s available over my 18 years as a professional coach).

I’d say that at least 90% of success – including success in the business of coaching – is your own grounding and clarity.

Success comes from passion for what you do and the ability to share in a way that is unique and authentic. And those come from prioritizing your own freedom.

Nearly all of the struggles I hear about from the coaches I mentor stem from a lack of grounding:

  • Hesitation around what to charge

  • Failing to publish a completed course because the “right” platform isn’t clear

  • Content that isn’t getting traction

  • Feeling like it’s harder to coach someone without “this understanding”

  • Coaching conversations that end up zoomed way in, focused on problem-solving…

These issues are a result of the coach not realizing they are mind-identified.

Continually pushing the edges of your own liberation and living what you’ve seen translates into:

  • Far greater skill and ease in noticing when your clients are identified with thought. Your effectiveness as a coach is massively impacted by your own freedom, without question. There really is no other way to become a more effective coach.

  • A healthy disregard for philosophies and paradigms. You learn to experience the essence of what’s pointed to without becoming a follower or student of any school of thought.

  • Your natural passion for what you share rises to the surface. Creating content and having conversations with prospective clients become relatively easy and inspired because when you live this, you clearly see how/why others aren’t.

Watch the Webinar Replay

Watch this free 90-minute webinar replay to explore how deepening your own grounding and living more free yourself is the foundation for everything you want in your work with clients.

In the webinar, I went into depth on these topics and also shared about the new and improved Grounding + Supervision Coach Community. I’ve been mentoring coaches for several years, but recent insights into this key factor have led me to revamp the format of this community.

I mentioned the community opportunity (which is open to any working coach, no longer only Change Coaches) at the end but even if you know you aren’t interested in a community, please watch this webinar replay if you are a coach or practitioner. I know what you hear will be helpful to your life and your work.

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This free webinar replay is open to anyone, not only Change Coaches. Anyone who supports others is likely to benefit from this webinar.

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