EP134: Stacey’s Change Story: Doubling your Business while Remembering Who-You-Are

Stacey came across the New Paradigm when she was struggling with binge eating and depression. 

She saw a lot, quickly. She began to see that thought creates her entire reality. That she has a home base within her that is far closer and less conditional than she ever imagined. 

Without trying, her success at her mortgage business skyrocketed. Her business has doubled in the past couple years, mostly, Stacey says, because she sees that we’re all feeling our own thinking. Nothing anyone else things or feels is personal to Stacey. It’s not about her. 

Stacey sees the health in all people and it shows. I know you’ll be very moved by this conversation with Stacey! 

If you want a change story like Stacey’s, please join us in The Little School of Big Change! Class begins March 1st. Pre-enroll to save $47 and to guarantee your seat! https://dramyjohnson.com/lsbc-spring-registration-page/

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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