EP279: Feeling your way through life

I’ll share how I’ve been doing something I call “feeling my way through life” rather than “thinking my way through life”, and how this seems to coincide with a massive downward shift in energy and attention from the head space and mental constructs, to the body/heart/physically felt space.

From this deeper sense of living from the body, it’s increasingly obvious how irrelevant most thought is. 

I’ll also introduce a sense of being with the felt energy of wanting without the thing wanted; being with the felt energy of disappointment without any attempts to change anything.


Beginning in early January, I’ll be leading a brand new course: The Welcoming What Arises Workshop. 

In the workshop we’ll lean in together, learning to fully embrace the felt sensations of life. I have found this way of going straight into the physical to be incredibly powerful and freeing.

I would love for you to join us for this workshop! Go to https://www.dramyjohnson.com/welcomingclass to learn more and sign up! 


The 2024 Change Coach Training Program is now enrolling! The course begins in January and is THE most complete, supportive training around. See all the details and save your seat in this intimate group training at https://www.dramyjohnson.com/coachtraining

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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