In this Live Class, I Share:

How there has been more global change in the past 3 years than in recent history, and people are struggling to navigate this change.

How the pandemic, loneliness, uncertainty, war, political and economic uncertainty weigh on us in ways we feel, but may not recognize.

How Change Coaches offer support that makes a massive difference in times of change. Change Coaches know that circumstances and experience are always in flux and inherently uncertain. We see our connection–and we help others see their connection–with the source of life that is not uncertain and never changes. Change Coaches are deeply grounded in their own innate health and therefore can help others become more so.

The mental health crisis we’re facing today and how coaching is poised to take the place of traditional talk therapy and medication in many cases. Private coaching from Change Coaches can serve needs that the current system cannot.

How times that bring particular challenges such as pandemics, inflation, and political divisiveness offer HUGE opportunities as well. Our understanding of, and relationship with, fear is what makes the difference between taking advantage of challenging times versus living in fear and inaction.

Why right now is the BEST time to become a Change Coach. There is an unprecedented demand for our services and coming to embody this understanding ourselves is–hands down–the best investment we can make for ourselves.

The class runs for 85 minutes

This Class Is Perfect for You If:

You know that times of global challenge are always times of massive opportunity, and you want to see more about the difference between those who feel stuck versus those who thrive.

You have a desire to feel deeply grounded in connection with what never changes both for yourself, and for the benefit of people around you.

You know that traditional mental health treatment (including talk or cognitive therapies, or medication) is not working and you want to be at the forefront of the paradigm shift that is taking their place.

You have been impacted by this new view of mental health and resilience through The Little School of Big Change or elsewhere, and you’d like to support others by sharing what you’ve seen.

You’re considering taking part in the 2024 Change Coach Training & Certification course or the Change Coach Self-Study course and you’d like to see more about how those programs can help you.

The Change Coach Training and Certification Program begins January 26th, 2023.

The Change Coach Training and Certification Program is a guided, 6-month program designed to give you the skills and support to help others using the no-willpower approach shared in my books and in The Little School of Big Change.

The Change Coach Training Program is NOT about helping your clients change their psychology. It’s about helping them understand what’s beyond their psychology to see how all humans work from a much larger perspective. The understanding you’ll learn is incredibly deep and cuts straight to the core of how our human experience works. That’s why it’s so effective!

This program is very hands-on and I’ll be personally supporting you through the 5 months.

The program starts January 26th, 2023. There are a limited number of spots in this program. I am keeping the group intentionally small to ensure that everyone gets plenty of personal attention.

Take me to The Change Coach Training Program

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Dr Amy Johnson

About Amy

Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower.

She is the author of Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind, The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit, and Being Human. In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped thousands of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.

Amy also shares the no-willpower approach in her top-rated podcast, Changeable, and she’s trained over 70 coaches in her Change Coach Training Program. She has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine.