Being Yourself is a 3-week course led by Dr. Robert Solomon and Dr. Amy Johnson, designed to help you live a more genuine, heart-centered life.
We explore how culture trains us to be “appropriate,” to do what we’re supposed to do in order to be approved of, and therefore safe and happy. The conditioning we receive from our families and cultures, although well-meaning and inevitable, is inauthentic by its very nature. It points us away from who we deeply are.
This course will help you recognize the many masks you’ve been taught to wear so that you can explore who you are beyond those masks.
We discuss why it’s desirable to be authentic–how living from our heart rather than our head fosters clarity, trust, and close, connected relationships. We discuss the cost of living in an inauthentic way, and how we can experientially recognize the extent to which we’re living from our heart versus our conditioned mind. We explore how living in a genuine, authentic way could actually eradicate many problems on our planet. Being authentic is the only way to truly be part of the whole because being authentic is living in the heart and it is in the heart that we experience the wholeness and interconnectedness of all of life.
This Course Is For You If:
You consider yourself a “people pleaser,” you’ve experienced difficulty trusting or connecting in relationships, or you care a lot about what others think of you.
You’ve been frequently troubled with things like anxiety, depression, habits, or chronic health conditions (which are often indicators that we’re not connected with our true selves).
You’ve spent your life doing the “right” things, rarely considering what you truly want.
You’re sometimes like a chameleon, often changing to fit in with the people or setting you’re surrounded by.
You sometimes feel unsure of who you are and what you want in life.
You have a sense that a richer, more fulfilling experience of life is available.
Course Overview:
The original course involved two groups who met weekly for three weeks in interactive, 90-minute sessions led by Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob. You will get the recordings of both group’s classes so that you can see how these conversations unfolded for the two independent groups.
Week 1: We start by exploring the ways in which we’ve been taught to be “good” and how that conditioning leads us away from our true nature.
Cultures, societies, religions, and families pass down sets of beliefs and expectations that we adopt and live with as if they were our own.
Our conditioning becomes invisible to us. As we begin to see the masks we were taught to wear, we are finally able to see around and beyond them. We will explore the downfalls of living in an inauthentic way such as lack of clarity, lack of trust for ourselves or others, feeling disconnected from others and from life, lack of fulfillment, and more.
Week 2: We explore our true nature, always alive and well beyond our conditioning.
We begin to explore the incredible flow and connection we experience when we live from our heart rather than from our head. Everything in our personal and collective existence improves when people are truly themselves.
We look at the ways in which our true self is always communicating with us, expressing itself, and calling us home, despite the thick layer of conditioned thought on the surface.
We share stories and practical tips for beginning to recognize our conditioning and discover the authentic self beyond it.
Week 3: Our third session brings the first two sessions together, going deeper into what we’ve discovered about ourselves beyond what we’ve been taught to believe.
We discuss not caring what others think and the courage it can take to be yourself.
We spend much of this session sharing our insights and experiences and feeling into what’s truly possible.
What’s Inside the
Being Yourself Course?
Video 1: Group 1, Class 1
Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob lead the first group through Week 1
Video 2: Group 2, Class 1
Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob lead the second group through Week 1
Video 3: Group 1, Class 2
Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob lead the first group through Week 2
Video 4: Group 2, Class 2
Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob lead the second group through Week 2
Video 5: Group 1, Class 3
Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob lead the first group through Week 3
Video 6: Group 2, Class 3
Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob lead the second group through Week 3
“I had a tendency to worry about what others thought of me. This caused me to be too self-conscious and not contribute when my input would have been worthwhile. I didn’t like ‘playing small.’
Now, I feel much more confident and really ‘know’ my sense of well-being and self-worth. I know ‘who I am’ and ‘how’ the mind works and look forward to the unfolding of the future. Life is truly an exploring process and I am constantly discovering the invisible, spiritual loving nature of Life. I approach each day as a new moment and am excited to realize how much I now actually love myself and others and to finally feel, and know, that I am ‘Home’ within myself!”
– William Hutcherson
This course is now exclusively available as part of Student Access Plus. Membership in Student Access Plus includes:
About Robert
Robert J. Solomon received his M.D. degree from State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo. He completed his internship and residency in adult psychiatry at Cornell University. A two-year fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at UCSD brought him to San Diego in 1990 where he has been in private practice since 1992.
Bob has extensive experience in working with adults, adolescents, and children. In addition to working with individuals and families in his private practice, he has served as a consulting psychiatrist in treatment programs focusing on a range of issues from dealing with grief to suicide prevention. Bob’s intense interest in the growing field of integrative medicine has led him to an in-depth study of alternative healing methods such as energy healing, meditation, and sound healing. He has been involved in research on suicide prevention, endocrinology, and gerontology. Bob has also authored articles and spoken at conferences on the emotional and psychological issues of money.
Bob has been married for over 30 years and has two sons and a daughter.
About Amy
Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower.
She is author of Being Human (2013), The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit (2016), and Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind (2021). In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped hundreds of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.
Johnson has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine.
Will this course be helpful even if my concerns are different from the concerns of the people who are coached in the course?
Yes, absolutely. The coaching that happens in this course goes far beyond specific habits and issues. It points to what is behind all human experience, so it will be relevant no matter what you’re struggling with.
If I need more support after going through this course, what should I do next?
I highly recommend going through The Little School of Big Change. It’s an amazing course that has helped thousands of people find freedom from a wide variety of conditions, habits, and addictions.
If you’d like private coaching for more support, you can learn more about working privately with Dr. Bob here: