Category: Article

How to Identify a Toxic Relationship

What are the signs of a Toxic Relationship? Disagreements and misunderstandings happen in every relationship. Someone says something that offends the other, someone feels misunderstood, or tensions rise and voices get raised.  These are normal occurrences in nearly every relationship. But what about more toxic relationships? A toxic relationship centers on conflicts and ill will. And

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What to Do if You are Binge Eating

In this article, we’ll look at how you can view and handle emotions, as well as what you can come to realize, that can help you stop binge eating. How to Handle Emotion to Stop Binge EatingBinge eating is not always or only a response to food deprivation and dieting. We often binge eat for the

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How to Stop Binge Eating

Binge eating involves recurrent episodes of eating large amounts of food very quickly or to the point of physical discomfort. People who binge eat often feel out of control around food and powerless to stop binge eating. Binges are typically followed by feelings of guilt or shame and sometimes–although not always–attempts to compensate for the

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How to Know if You are Suffering Emotional Abuse

One of the difficulties with being in an abusive relationship is that the abuse does not occur consistently. Periods of, or instances of abuse, can be interspersed with experiences of tenderness, seemingly fiscal responsibility, social and personal charm. It is possible that attributes of your relationship in the early years such as acts of love

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Am I in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?

Are you wondering if the characteristics of the relationship you are in are signs of an emotionally abusive relationship? Do you feel unsure, afraid, confused about the relationship?This article outlines recognisable signs of emotionally abusive relationships and explains why it is important to identify characteristics that are harmful to you and symptomatic of an unhealthy

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How to Stop Worrying

Worry happens when a mind makes up stories about what might happen in the future, and we believe those stories as if they are true. We all worry at times. But in extreme cases, worry can seriously impact your life. It can disrupt your sleep, relationships, decision making, and leave you with a life that feels

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