Category: The Nature of Thought

Simplicity: Can Life Really Be Simple?

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott Doesn’t life sometimes feel pretty complex and full? I have been contemplating simplicity recently after feeling an inner nudge to simplify my life where I can, and to slow down. During the lock downs due to Covid-19 many of us would have experienced a more simple and

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The Paradox of Tranquility

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Suzie Yeulett You’ll often see or hear people talking about the benefit of having a quiet mind. I talk about this too, but recently I’ve been trying to get more clarity around it and specifically what it actually means! It’s pretty impossible to maintain a quiet mind for very long

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Challenging the Traditional Narrative: A Different View of Self-Care

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott There is a lot of emphasis on self-care today, especially for women. And this a good thing on so many levels. However like most concepts in modern life, even this can feel over complicated, or like a pressure. It can become an extra thing to do or

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Finding Your Way to Now

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Alex Linares Imagine you are driving to a new city using your GPS and at first it seems to navigate you out of your home city accurately so you are closely paying attention to every direction and prompt it provides. But as you get farther from the city it

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Self-Adhesive Labels and the Manager in Your Head

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott I want you to imagine, if you will, a light bulb covered in hundreds of sticky notes. Written on the notes is a variety of words such as: “Kind”“Lazy”“Woman”“Too fat”“Stressed”“Anxious”“Generous”“Hardworking”“Intelligent”“Unfit”“Thinks of others”“Successful”“A failure”“Untidy”“Useless” The light that shines from the light bulb is covered over by all the sticky labels,

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Bringing Awareness to What We “Know”

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Karli Naglick Lately, I have been curious about all of the things that I think I “know.” We all move through the day based on what we think we “know.” For example, we know when we need to wake up, we know what we have to get done, we

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Mental Weather

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Suzie Yeulett Mental health and feelings of well-being are actually our natural state, but they get covered up through life and our conditioning, like scratches on glass distort an otherwise clear view. As newborns, we react and respond to life naturally without thought or limitation. As we grow up, we

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Measuring Up and Who We Really Are

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott I recently had my 50th birthday, where this photo was taken. A half century of life lived. It’s got me somewhat reflective and contemplative. Not in a kind of “I’m going to live in a cave and meditate on the meaning of life” way. But more in a

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The Real Story Behind Procrastination

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott The Cambridge dictionary definition of procrastination is: ‘the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring’. I would also add to that, ‘something we believe is hard or we won’t be able to achieve or complete’. Almost all of us will have

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