Have you found a sense of freedom that you want to share with others?
Do you want to learn how this understanding can be used to support others?
Are you already supporting people as a coach, counselor or therapist and want to expand your ability to help?
For 10 weeks in Spring 2025, I will be leading a group of people through my Change Coach Self-Study Course.
How It Works
You’ll go through the videos in the Self-Study training course on your own, broken down into roughly 2-4 hours of content each week.
Our small group will come together for two hours each week to explore that week’s lessons. Our calls will provide discussion, examples, demonstrations and coaching exercises to elaborate on the lesson content.
We’ll include some calls exclusively for coaching practice and feedback.
You’ll be paired with a coaching buddy for practicing what you’re learning, have access to our private forum for questions and support anytime, and have the opportunity to join our Coach Community when the training is complete.
How Change Coaching Is Different
The Change Coach Training Program is not about changing our psychology; it’s about helping people understand what’s beyond their psychology to see how all humans work from a much larger perspective.
Because all habits are rooted in the same essential misunderstanding, as people gain clarity, their insights can apply to anything they face. The understanding you’ll learn is incredibly deep and cuts straight to the core of how our human experience works. That’s why it’s so effective!
Change Coaches know that habits and anxiety are not disorders and they do not mean anything personally about us. They are healthy, normal functions of the mind that are simply misunderstood.
Change Coaches help their clients understand why their mind works the way it does and who we are beyond our coming and going thoughts, feelings and behavior.
This is why the change that our clients experience is deep and sustainable. When we see through these simple misunderstandings a very different way of living naturally follows.
Who This Program Is For
The small group mentoring program is ideal if you are brand new to coaching and also if you have experience.
For those who are new, this program will provide a strong foundation for coaching others through change. It will serve as a solid first step that will allow you to begin sharing this with people right away. Your skill and effectiveness will grow with practice and feedback in time.
For those with experience working with clients as a therapist, counselor, or coach from another perspective, this program will allow you to support people from the no-willpower approach. You’ll see more depth to the work you’re already doing and gain the ability to support people in even more effective ways.
This program is ideal if you have already gone through the Change Coach Self-Study and if you haven’t.
If you’ve been through the Change Coach Self-Study on your own, this will be an opportunity to bring to life what you’ve already begun to see. It’s an opportunity to ask questions, engage in deeper exploration, see demonstrations of what you’ve learned from the video lessons, and practice coaching with feedback.
If you haven’t yet been through the Self-Study, this is an opportunity to do so with my support, making the Self-Study more like a comprehensive live training.
The program will run from March 6th to May 15th.
All calls are on Thursdays from 2pm-4pm ET (11am-1pm PT; 7pm-9pm UK).
The calls will be recorded and the recordings will be posted shortly after the call.
Call 1 – March 6: Self-Study Lessons 1-3
Call 2 – March 13: Self-Study Lessons 4-8 + Listening
Call 3 – March 20: Coaching exercises
Call 4 – April 3: Self-Study Coaching Sessions 1-3
Call 5 – April 10: Self-Study Coaching Sessions 4-6
Call 6 – April 17: Self-Study Lessons 9-12
Call 7 – April 24: Watch Natasha Swerdloff Demo + Coaching with feedback
Call 8 – May 1: Watch Rohini Ross Demo + Coaching with feedback
Call 9 – May 8: Remainder of lessons–coaching feedback + business class
Call 10 – May 15: Questions and discussion
Choose between two options
#1 Essentials
The Essentials includes:
- 10 small group mentoring calls (2 hours each)
- Lifetime access to recordings of these calls
- Support on our private forum for duration of course
- Paired coaching buddy for practice coaching during/after course
Essentials Option Investment:
If you already have the Change Coach Self-Study: $1750
(discount will be taken automatically when you sign up)
If you don’t already have the Change Coach Self-Study: $3500
(you will get instant lifetime access to CCSS upon purchase)
#2 Certification
The Certification Option includes:
- Everything listed above
- 4 private, 60 minute mentoring calls with Amy to be scheduled at your convenience after the training ends. You can use these calls for further mentoring, private coaching, business support, or anything you’d like.
- Ability to send Amy 2 full recorded coaching sessions on which she’ll provide detailed feedback and guidance
- Ability to be certified after the review of two coaching sessions. This will allow you to be listed on the Change Coach Directory, lead Office Hours for our community, and other potential opportunities.
Certification Option Investment:
If you already have the Change Coach Self-Study: $3250
(discount will be taken automatically when you sign up)
If you don’t already have the Change Coach Self-Study: $5000
(you will get instant lifetime access to CCSS upon purchase)
Registration for this program is now closed. If you would like to be notified if we run this program again, please sign up here:
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Change Coach Self-Study Course for experienced coaches or people who have never coached?
Both! The Change Coach Self-Study Course is the perfect starter course if you’ve never coached and you want to get a solid feel for how Change Coaching works. It’s also perfect if you have worked as a coach, counselor, therapist, or other practitioner and want to learn more about working with people using the No-Willpower understanding Dr. Amy teaches.
Will I be able to start coaching right away?
Yes! We encourage you to begin having coaching conversations with people anytime. The Change Coach Self-Study Course will give you a foundation that will allow you to know what to look for and where to point any client with any issue.
Of course, professional coaches are always continuing their education and training and improving their craft. This is not the only training you will have as a professional coach, but it does provide a foundation from which to begin working with people right away.
Which issues will I be better able to address once I take this course?
Many of the examples I use are around habits, anxiety, insecurity, and other ways humans feel “stuck.” But the understanding you’ll be grounded in through this training can help anyone with any challenge they may be going through.
Can I become certified from the Self-Study Course?
Option 2 makes you eligible for certification. Certification is not guaranteed but is likely based on coaching sessions submitted for review.
All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion after completing the Change Coach Self-Study Course.
Have other questions?
Please share your questions here and we will get back to you. I would love to have you be part of this group!
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