Student Access Plus Registration

Become A Student Of Change

With a Student Access account to, you get a ton of resources all in one place. You’ll find digital courses, webinars, chapters from my books, audio downloads and much more, all designed to support you in finding lasting freedom.

I’ve helped thousands of people find freedom from anxiety, unwanted habits (like binge eating, smoking, and “over-ing” habits), and have lasting, unconditional peace of mind.

There are no strings – membership is yours for as long as you want it and you can cancel anytime. You’ll be the first to know when new content is added and we’ll only send emails we know you’ll love once you sign up.

Choose the Right Student Access for You

Student Access

Free Forever

  • Webinars
  • Change that Sticks
  • How to Have Peace of Mind in Times of Uncertainty and Change
  • Breaking the News Habit
  • Lasting Freedom from Binge Eating & Over Eating
  • Lasting Freedom from Insecurity, Self Doubt & the Inner Critic
  • Lasting Freedom from Anxiety & Worry
  • Lasting Freedom from Over-ing: Over-drinking, -worrying, -Internet, -spending
  • 3+ Resource guides
  • Chapters from Dr. Amy’s books
  • Audio downloads


Student Access Plus

$24/month or $199/year
(save $89 when you pay annually)

  • Everything in the free membership


  • Digital courses:
  • Being Yourself with Dr. Amy and Dr. Bob Solomon
  • Freedom from Health Anxiety
  • Freedom from Codependency
  • Freedom from Intrusive Thoughts
  • Freedom from Over-Drinking
  • Freedom from Binge Eating
  • The Just a Thought Companion Course
  • The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit
  • A Brand New Experience of the Holidays
  • Think Less, Accomplish More
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Dr. Amy and her Change Coaches
  • Discounts on live courses and events, including The Little School of Big Change
  • New digital products and other resources added regularly.

Total Value = $1000+


More About What’s Inside


Change That Sticks

How To Achieve Lasting Freedom From Habits And Anxiety Without Relying On Willpower.

How to Have Peace of Mind in Times of Uncertainty and Change

We all have the same resilient design. All humans have the exact same innate capacity to move through any challenge or change.

An understanding of how our mind works and where resiliency comes from helps us navigate change and uncertainty with far more grace and ease.

Breaking the News Habit

How to be Informed without Losing Your Mind.

Pandemics, social injustice, elections and divisiveness have been part of our lives in spades this year.

There is so much going on. So much to keep up with. So much in the world is changing incredibly quickly.

And all of that fast paced, emotional news has a way of sucking us in. More than ever, I’m hearing from people every day who feel like they can’t step away from the news. They find themselves constantly checking on what’s happening in the world.

Which isn’t a problem in and of itself, of course. Except that they FEEL it. They feel their moods being taken for a ride with each new headline they read. They feel their hopelessness rising and their moods plummeting and it doesn’t feel as simple as stepping away.

Lasting Freedom from Binge Eating & Over Eating

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder or Bulimia, or you struggle with overeating in general, freedom is closer than it seems.

This webinar shares a brand new paradigm for lasting freedom from binge eating and overeating.

Lasting Freedom from Insecurity, Self Doubt & the Inner Critic

Do you feel weighed down by insecurity or self-doubt? Do you have a loud, unkind inner critic in your head whose voice holds you back from moving forward in life?

You are not alone. Self-doubt and insecurity are not as powerful as they appear. Seeing them for what they truly are is the key to freedom, and that freedom is far closer than it seems.

This webinar shares a brand new paradigm for lasting freedom from crippling insecurity, self-doubt, and a loud inner critic.

Lasting Freedom from Anxiety & Worry

Although there are countless ways anxiety may show up, it is far simpler than it appears and freedom is much closer than it seems.

This webinar shares a brand new paradigm for lasting freedom from anxiety and worry.

Lasting Freedom from Over-ing: Over-drinking, -worrying, -Internet, -spending

Are you caught up in a cycle of over-ing…over-drinking, over-internet surfing, -working, -spending, etc…even though you know better? Do you feel stuck, even though you see the harm these behaviors are causing?

All over-ing is our best attempt to feel better in the moment. No matter what type of over-ing you’re doing, freedom is closer than it seems.

This webinar shares a brand new paradigm for lasting freedom from all types of over-ing.

Digital Courses

Freedom from Over-Drinking

In this digital course, you will follow 5 people who are struggling with drinking related thoughts and behaviors as they are coached in a group setting over four weeks.

Dr. Amy Johnson supports the group as they come to see themselves and their habits in a radically new way. Amy will also debrief each group coaching session (without the participants present), pulling out key themes and things to take note of from each session.

If you are struggling with over-drinking or any unwanted behavior, watching other people being coached through their experience is an incredible way to see more of yourself.

You get over 10 hours of content in this course.

Freedom from Intrusive Thoughts

In this digital course, you’ll follow four women who struggle with intrusive thoughts as they are coached in a group setting over four weeks. Dr. Amy Johnson supports the group as they come to see themselves and their intrusive thoughts and anxious feelings in a radically new way.

Amy will also debrief each group coaching session (without the participants present), pulling out key themes and things to take note of from each session.

If you are struggling with this anxiety or intrusive thoughts yourself, watching other people being coached through their experience is an incredible way to see more of yourself. I know you’ll come to see your own thoughts very differently as you follow the journey of these four amazing women.

Freedom from Binge Eating

In this digital course, you will follow 4 women who are struggling with binge eating as they are coached in a group setting over four weeks. The coaches, Dr. Amy Johnson and Maria Brigantino, will support the women as they come to see themselves and their habits in a radically new way. Amy and Maria will also debrief each group coaching session (without the participants present), pulling out key themes and things to take note of from each session.

If you are struggling with this habit yourself, watching other people being coached through their experience is an incredible way to see more of yourself.

You get over 10 hours of content in this course.

The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit

Deep, lasting freedom from habits, addiction, anxiety and worry comes from seeing differently first. When we have a shift in consciousness–when we glimpse who we are beyond our psychology in a brand new way–our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors begin to change in ways we couldn’t make happen before.

In this 4 part course, you’ll learn:

  • The brain-based reason we have habits, and how they are illustrations of our innate wisdom
  • How all habits are the same
  • The simple misunderstandings that underlie habits
  • What feelings truly are, and how we wouldn’t have habits if we weren’t afraid of feeling
  • Who you are beyond your psychology
  • And much more

You get over an hour of content in this course.

Covid Class Bundle

It’s easy to worry your way through these uncertain days, or numb your way through, with unhealthy habits or binge-watching the news.

Although your outside freedoms may be limited, your internal freedoms never are. In these two, 60-minute classes, you’ll see how to view anxiety, habits, and decision making in this uncertain time. You can find greater peace of mind than ever, even now.

A Brand New Experience of the Holidays

How to not eat, drink or spend your way through the new year.

There are many things people commonly struggle with around the holidays. Things like financial and family stress, busyness, saying yes to things we don’t want to say yes to (or guilt over saying no to those things), and the over-eating, -drinking, and -spending that often comes along with that stress and pressure.

The videos in this course will help you have a very different experience of the holiday season this year.

You get over 3 hours of content in this course.

about Dr. Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower. 

She is author of Being Human (2013), The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit (2016), and Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind (2021). In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped hundreds of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.

Johnson has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine. 

Dr Amy Johnson