We are conditioned into a point of view.

That point of view assumes a world “out there” full of objects and things.

One thing in the huge world of things is “me”–a self that appears to have some independence from “everything else”.

That “me” appears to live in time and have a life. You could say that Me-And-My-Life is a perspective through which experience is interpreted and organized.

But is it really that way? Or is this Me-And-My-Life framework truly just a perspective, or point of view, albeit a very persistent one that nearly all humans come to take as truth?

When Me-And-My-Life is seen as a perspective rather than as ultimate truth, a whole other way of seeing and being “in” life, as life, opens up. It’s often said that nothing changes, but everything is different. That’s been my experience.

We’ll explore this point of view together over 6 weeks in a group setting. There will be plenty of room for discussion, inquiry, sharing, and support both in our calls and on our private forum.

Course Outline

Week 1: Me

Who/where/what am I?

We’ll look for evidence for a “me” that stands separate from the flow of life. We’ll examine the beliefs, sensations and other factors that contribute to this sense of separation.

Our exploration will aim to close the gap between the assumed perceiver and the perceived. Is there anyone standing outside of experience “doing” the noticing, thinking, observing, feeling?

Week 2: Doership, Choices, Learning and Change

Are you making choices? Are you making things happen?

If not, how do things get done? How does change happen?

We’ll explore the process of learning, managed by no one, and how learning appears to make way for what we call change. We’ll consider that perhaps there is no separate self exerting influence over life. What are the implications of this?

Week 3: How Thought Creates Me-And-My-Life

The sense of Me-And-My-Life is constantly created on the fly, drawn and redrawn…but in disappearing ink.

We’ll look at the constant falling away of everything, including “me” and “my life”, and how these thoughts can feel so ever-present and familiar despite their constant disappearance.

What is stable? What remains and what is always disappearing? Seeing the ungraspable nature of life reveals that beliefs, assumptions, and identities are always falling away as well.

Week 4: Full Immersion

The way through the Me-And-My-Life perspective is full immersion into what is.

There is no bypass. Nothing to transcend. Nothing that will “fall away” any more than everything is already falling away.

This is about going straight into what is, full immersion into feelings, sensory experience, and thoughts. Curiously examining the true nature of what’s right under your nose. Life, exactly as it’s showing up, is the roadmap.

Week 5: Other People

Is it possible to really know another person? (Is it possible to really know anything?)

We’ll explore how other people show up in the Me-And-My-Life perspective and what’s there in our experience of others outside of this perspective. Whom/what are we in relationship with, and how does our point of view affect those relationships?

Week 6: Q&A and Further Discussion

There is no particular theme for Week 6. We’ll use this final week for further discussion, questions, and support.

Is this course for you? Please make sure these feel true before you join:

  • You are open to questioning the predominant view of life held by nearly all people. You’re not only open to examining this, you’re excited about it!
  • You’re okay with paradox. We’re not looking to find clear answers; we’re looking toward the space before answers and knowledge. Much of what we discover in space can be very paradoxical.
  • You are more interested in exploring the nature of reality than comfort or feeling good. This is not about being comfortable. You’re happy to sacrifice temporary comfort for an honest look at what is.
  • Similar to the point above, you’re eager to look for looking’s sake, without an agenda. It’s true that anxiety, habits, worry, limiting identities, etc. may shift in this exploration. They also may not. We are exploring without an agenda for any change or outcome.

If you aren’t excited by the points above that’s totally okay, but this isn’t the course for you at this time.


  • One video lesson on each weekly topic. The lesson will unlock at the end of the previous week and you’ll watch the video before our weekly call.
  • Supporting quotes, inquiry questions, and additional resources on each week’s topic.
  • One 90 minute call each week to explore the topic together. All calls will be recorded and yours to keep.
  • Access to a private forum for support, questions and discussion between calls.

Workshop Dates

Our group calls will take place on Wednesdays beginning April 10th at 3pm EST (12pm PST, 8pm UK). All calls are 90 minutes and will be recorded for those who can’t make it live.

There will be no call the week of May 13th. Additional resources will be shared during this off-week.

Our last class will be May 22nd.


1 payment of $499 or 2 monthly payments of $260

This course is now sold out. If you would like to be notified if we run this course again, please sign up here:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m uneasy about my entire view of life and who I am being challenged?

This exploration can feel a little destabilizing at times. That’s the point. Check in with yourself to gauge the extent to which you feel called to explore this.

Some apprehension is totally normal. It comes and goes and does not need to dissuade you from this course. If it’s more than that, you’ll know.

I can't make some, or any, of the weekly course calls. Are the calls recorded?

Yes. All of the calls are recorded, so you can watch them at any time. You’ll also have access to them after the course is done.

What is the schedule of the course?

All calls will be on Wednesdays at 3pm ET (12pm PT; 8pm UK; 9pm CET).
The dates are:

April 10
April 17
April 24
May 1
May 8
May 22
**Note there is no call on May 15

Have Questions?

Please share your questions here and we will get back to you. I would love to have you join the course!

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