Tag: worrying

A Natural Remedy for Anxiety

When we struggle with feeling anxious this can lead us to feel lost, desperate to change how we feel, and to seek a remedy or cure for anxiety. In this article I will cover briefly what anxiety is, and what the majority of natural anxiety cures or remedies suggest. But most importantly I will point

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How to Stop Overthinking

I am not a worrier. I just used to think I was. I have spent a good part of three decades researching how to stop overthinking and worrying. I always thought it was part of my make-up, personality and nature. With a wonderful, loving and stable childhood behind me, I concluded it was a reflection

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Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts

Have you ever had unwanted thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere, appear extreme, and make no sense? Well, you are not alone. This puzzling, and what can be, distressing phenomenon happens to everyone and can rest assured, you are normal. Intrusive thoughts with anxiety can feel closely connected with fear, guilt, and stress.

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How to Stop Worrying

Worry happens when a mind makes up stories about what might happen in the future, and we believe those stories as if they are true. We all worry at times. But in extreme cases, worry can seriously impact your life. It can disrupt your sleep, relationships, decision making, and leave you with a life that feels

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