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Student Access Plus
$24/month or $199/year
(save $89 when you pay annually)
- Everything in the free membership
- Digital courses:
- The Just a Thought Companion Course
- Being Yourself with Dr. Bob Solomon
- Freedom from Health Anxiety
- Freedom from Codependency
- Freedom from Intrusive Thoughts
- Freedom from Over-Drinking
- Freedom from Binge Eating
- The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit
- Covid Class Bundle
- A Brand New Experience of the Holidays
- Think Less, Accomplish More
- Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Dr. Amy and her Change Coaches
- Discounts on live courses and events, including The Little School of Big Change
- And much more! New digital products and other resources added regularly. Anything that is added is yours at no additional cost.
Total Value = $1000+