Look Away… is Your Problem Still There?

My man Michael Neill says: Think of a problem. Now ask yourself, would this problem still exist if I stopped thinking about it?  Look Away... is Your Problem Still There?

(I have such a huge mind crush on this guy it’s not even funny.)

Go ahead, try it.

Real problems remain, even when you stop thinking about them. In fact, real problems often grow when you try to put them out of your mind.

Problems of the ego mind–based in fear–require your focus in order to survive. These are not real problems, they are figments of your imagination.

So when you look away, they go away. When you stop thinking about them, they usually begin to disappear.

I know, I wasn’t convinced at first either. So I suspended my disbelief and tried it:

Problem = I need a root canal.

Wait…stop thinking about it….shift my focus to something else….the problem is still there. And it’s getting worse by the minute. It must be a real problem that shouldn’t be ignored.

Problem = My friend is annoying the hell out of me with her negativity and complaining.

Wait…stop thinking about it….shift my focus to something else …gone. It wasn’t a real problem that required my attention.

Problem = A woman is raped every minute in The Congo.

Wait…stop thinking about it….shift my focus to something else….the problem is still there. And it’s getting worse by the minute. It must be a real problem that shouldn’t be ignored.

Problem = I’m bored.

Wait…stop thinking about it….shift my focus to something else …gone. Something pops up to take its place and I forget about my boredom, so it wasn’t a real problem.

I could have made this into an existential crisis but instead I waited. Turns out, the crisis would’ve been for nothing.

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