Category: Archives (before mid-2012)

What if Everything is Perfect?

What if everything that happens is always for our greatest good?What if the difficult people in our lives are there to help us grow, losing your job only opens you up to something better, and going through a painful divorce or break up allows you to learn things you couldn’t have otherwise.  If this were

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Something Freaky is Going on…Part II

So how was your love fest?Here are some of my experiences:The most obvious effect of practicing Loving Kindness is that it feels really good. Once you get over the initial weird factor and are really starting to generate compassion, you melt into the feeling and you’re high. High on love. There, I said it.When I

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Something Freaky is Going On…Part I

I’ve been running an informal experiment with some very freaky results. Loving Kindness Meditation–called Mettā in Buddhism–is something I’ve dabbled in for the past couple of years. The practice can be pretty simple—it basically involves conjuring up feelings of love and compassion and mentally bestowing them upon yourself, specific others, then humanity in general. I’ll

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