Category: Podcast

EP337: Nothing to work out  

In my recent week in silence I saw two things more clearly and simply than I ever had. One, there is nothing to work out. The movements of life around the deep, still, silence that is always there are just movements. There is nothing in those movements that requires anything.And two, those movements in consciousness

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EP335: Be overwhelmed 

You know what hurts? Bracing yourself. Holding yourself apart from what’s here. Not that you can, but believing you can and tightening and resisting life as if it’s going to slam into you.Bracing yourself for impact hurts.You know what doesn’t hurt so much? Being overwhelmed. Letting life overwhelm “you”. Seeing that what is arising is already

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EP334: Welcoming What Arises with Lisa Natoli

Lisa Natoli was our November guest speaker in The Community. This week’s podcast is a portion of our call.  I felt a huge resonance with what Lisa shares because things look exactly the same to me (although we may point in different ways) – she points to being in/as what is, as it is, welcoming

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EP333: Noise is silence shouting

Being in silence is not about suppressing anything.  It’s also not about creating anything, such as an environment of peace or thoughtlessness or anything like that. It’s the exact opposite, actually. It’s about leaving everything alone to simply be exactly what it is.“What it is” is constantly changing. It is totally unknowable. It’s far too fluid

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EP332: No-Self in Direct Experience

What is meant by “no self”?  We use the personal pronoun “I” all the time. I am typing (or reading) these words, I am feeling anxious, I am ready for winter.   To what does that “I” refer? Can you identify or locate it in direct experience? In this episode, we’ll see the difference between direct experience and

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EP331: Who and Why are only words

In looking for the doer, I often hear something like: “Who is doing all of this if there is no me and no doer?” Does there have to be a who? Or is that who question just a remnant of the me-and-my-life perspective? Maybe there is no Who anywhere? It’s similar to Why questions. Does there

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EP330: The way out is right under your nose: Part 2

In Episode 224, I talked about a man who had been everywhere and tried everything looking for freedom, except one thing – being in What Is. One hundred and six episodes later, this still feels like perhaps the only thing to see. In this episode, I share several examples of the same – people suffering and

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EP329: Who needs trust? Who needs wisdom?

Are trust and wisdom needed? Who needs them? Seriously, look. Can you find the entity here who needs to trust or align with wisdom in order to be okay? Where is that entity? Is there anything here lacking wisdom? Where? Really look in immediate experience and see if you can find it.Is there something here to

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EP328: Morning anxiety

In this episode I revisit the topic of morning anxiety. I experience strong physical energy in the morning at times as well. I actually enjoy it. The strong sensations serve as a way to let attention go straight into What Is. I use this early morning time to explore the sense fields, including watching thought arise

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