Category: The Nature of Thought

Measuring Up and Who We Really Are

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott I recently had my 50th birthday, where this photo was taken. A half century of life lived. It’s got me somewhat reflective and contemplative. Not in a kind of “I’m going to live in a cave and meditate on the meaning of life” way. But more in a

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The Real Story Behind Procrastination

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott The Cambridge dictionary definition of procrastination is: ‘the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring’. I would also add to that, ‘something we believe is hard or we won’t be able to achieve or complete’. Almost all of us will have

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What if We Just Need To Face the Other Way?

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Suzie Yeulett Once you see the inside out nature of life, it’s natural to become more tolerant and understanding, because we can only ever see the world through our own lens, or point of perspective, and so can everyone else. That still references an outward view, but from the inside

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Tuning Out the “Songs of Our People”

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Karli Naglick I have recently enjoyed exploring the channels of some uniquely creative YouTubers. I particularly love one channel that features three Siberian Huskies named Tikanni, Kita, and Tehya. These dogs have the most amazing “husky howls.” Kita is described as having the “classic awoo,” Tehya sounds like the

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Clean Grief

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Missy Maiorano Many years ago, our family had to say good-bye to our sweet German shepherd, Bailey. She was the kindest, most loving dog we could have asked for. We only had her for 8 short years, but in that time, she became a true Maiorano—”one of the girls”—along

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What if Happiness Is About Subtraction, Rather Than Addition to Our Lives?

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott What if the key to happiness is about subtracting something from our life, rather than adding to it? What if “10 Steps To Happiness” really is a myth? (I wanted to use a swear word there but restrained myself!) The current consciousness of most of Western society tells us

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Maybe We Need to Contract Before We Expand

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Kristina Bruce I remember being at the end of Byron Katie’s 9-day School for The Work, and she was delivering parting words to us attendees. She held her hands up, palms facing each other at a distance apart, and then drew them closer to each other, then back out again.

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How Feeling the Feelings Led to Freedom

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Anton McCarthy Some time ago, the sky was blue, and the waves were gentle. But I felt a creeping uneasiness. It was gradual at first, but my suspicion was it would build. I had become familiar with how a persistent collection of thoughts seemed to do that — hang around. How could I feel

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