EP115: Jacqui’s Change Story: Realizing Your Worth Beyond Actions and Roles

Jacqui recently had what she calls a shattering. There was B.S., life Before the Shattering (which she says is aptly named) and there is life now, after the shattering.

Before the shattering Jacqui was far less aware of her worth. She believed that her worth came from the roles she took on. Her value was largely in what she did for other people and how she related to them.

Before the shattering, she didn’t know that her strengths, like intuition, were things to be appreciated. She ignored what she wanted and did what felt right for everyone else. She did a lot of what she “should” do.

After the shattering, things are different. She sees her value beyond her roles and labels now, and she’s living life on her terms, guided by intuition. After the shattering, she says she feels like she’s ten years old again.

Enjoy Jacqui’s story! You can find Jacqui’s podcast, Unicorns and Hand Grenades, here: www.unicornsandhandgrenades.com 


This is it…The Little School of Big Change Fall 2020 course begins TODAY, September 28th!

The last day to enroll is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1ST at 11:59pm EST.  The school won’t reopen for another 6 months. 

Why wait 6 more months for peace of mind, freedom from anxiety and habits, and a whole new way to see yourself and the world in which we live? 

I would love to have you in the Fall course. Go to https://www.thelittleschoolofbigchange.com to enroll.

I hope to see you in class! 

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The Little School of Big Change is a program designed to help you overcome anxiety and unwanted habits without needing to rely on willpower or self-discipline.

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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