EP129: Lexi’s Change Story: Freedom from Binge Eating after 35 Years

Lexi started binge eating at age 10.
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She thought she was seriously flawed–broken, really–for the next 35 years. 

It was so easy to see it that way. Her mind ran with fixes and effort and doing, until she came across the New Paradigm in early 2020 and things began to shift. 

They’ve shifted in deep ways, and they continue to. In eating, in how she views herself, in how she handles uncertainty, and in pretty much every way you can imagine. 

As you listen to this conversation with Lexi, listen for how her change is coming naturally, from insight rather than from any doing whatsoever. It’s so clear. 

I hope you enjoy this conversation with Lexi!


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Check it out here: https://dramyjohnson.com/end-of-year-sale/

Also, I’m co-leading a course called 2021 Strong with some of my favorite friends and New Paradigm colleagues.  We’ll each share our insights and lessons learned from 2020, as well as what we’re taking into 2021, and we’ll support you in doing the same. It’s an excellent way to kick off the new year!

I’d love for you to join us!  See more at:  https://barbarapatterson.com/strong

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