EP159: Phillip’s Change Story: Free from Addiction and Free to Feel Everything

Phillip has been alcohol-free, after a lifetime of drinking, for a year this summer. He quit smoking this year too, after having smoked since the age of 13. Phillip's change story: free from addiction and free to feel everything

But the fact that he no longer smokes or drinks are just details. They are incredible details, don’t get me wrong, but when you know Phillip, you know that a huge transformation is taking place. A transformation that goes far beyond drinking and smoking. 

For the first time in his life, Phillip feels everything. And he loves it (even when he hates it!). He feels life moving through him fully, in a way that is pure and childlike and beautiful to witness.

Feeling life, rather than pushing it away, has made way for amazing synchronicity, creativity, and joy in Phillip’s life. You’ll love hearing from him!


The Little School of Big Change Fall 2021 course begins August 30th!

If you want freedom like Phillip’s, please join us. Save your seat and $47 when you pre-enroll today: https://dramyjohnson.com/lsbc-fall-registration-page/


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The Little School of Big Change is a program designed to help you overcome anxiety and unwanted habits without needing to rely on willpower or self-discipline.

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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