EP168: Siobhan’s Change Story: When Change Doesn’t Look How You Imagined

Siobhan came to the new paradigm a couple different times in the past few years. What Are We Talking About Here, Anyway? With Siobhan Friel

The first was to find freedom around some habits. She talks about going through The Little School of Big Change a few years ago, solidly focused on her behavior (which is NOT how I recommend doing it!). Even while tracking her behaviors she had some insights, but they didn’t land as deeply as she would have liked. 

Then she took a break. On her break, she became certified in a coaching method that’s all about changing thoughts. 

After that certification, she came back to rewatch the LSBC curriculum and wondered how she missed all of this the first time through! This time around, things landed in a huge way. 

Siobhan now deeply sees that thought changes on its own. Why work so hard to change it when it does that by itself?

She deeply sees that it’s not so serious. Her levity and compassion are apparent in how she writes, talks, and coaches around this..

She says she most wants people to know that how you think your change will look is probably not at all how it will actually look. She wants you to know that seeds are planted and will sprout in ways we can never predict. 

You can see more about Siobhan here: https://siobhanfriel.com/


The Just a Thought Book Club begins Monday, October 18th! 

The Book Club is an opportunity to dive deep into the book with me. We’ll read the book together over 6 weeks, you’ll get videos that expand on the ideas in each chapter in the book, and you’ll have regular zoom calls with me and my change coaches. 

I’m so excited to immerse in this book with you in this way.

Go to dramyjohnson.com/jatbookclub to see more to register. We begin the week of October 18th!

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The Little School of Big Change is a program designed to help you overcome anxiety and unwanted habits without needing to rely on willpower or self-discipline.

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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