EP169: I Can’t Handle It!

Minds love dramatic, sensational statements. What Are We Talking About Here, Anyway?

And if you don’t know better, you might be very tempted to take them seriously. They’ll say things like: 

“I can’t handle this”.

“I don’t know how I’ll make it through.”

“I’m lost. I don’t know what to do next.”

“I’m barely keeping my head above water.”.

But here’s the thing: Your mind saying these things is completely irrelevant. Your mind doesn’t know what to do, how things will turn out, how to handle things. But it doesn’t need to.

Your mind says these things as life is living you. As things are already being “handled” and as you’re already “making it through”.

This episode will show you that these sensational statements are completely irrelevant. They are occurring while life is living you. 


The Just a Thought Book Club begins NEXT Monday, October 18th! 

The Book Club is an opportunity to dive deep into the book with me. We’ll read the book together over 6 weeks, you’ll get videos that expand on the ideas in each chapter in the book, and you’ll have regular zoom calls with me and my change coaches. 

I’m so excited to immerse in this book with you in this way.

Go to dramyjohnson.com/jatbookclub to see more to register. Hurry, because we begin next week!


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