EP170: A Conversation About Our Apparent Shift From Psychology to Spirituality

In this episode, my friend and coach colleague Piers Thurston and I discuss what it’s been like for our coaching to move from a focus on psychology to a focus on something closer to spirituality or nonduality. What Are We Talking About Here, Anyway?

We talk about how life looks far simpler than it used to, and why, even given that, we still sometimes talk about psychology. 

We discuss the many challenges we face, and concessions we make, when pointing clients toward their true, non-psychological identity.

Piers tells me how much he hates the title of my new book, Just a Thought, and we talk about there being no problems in the world and there being far more than how things appear. 

We decided to share this episode on both of our podcasts. If you don’t listen to Piers’ podcast yet, please do check it out here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/quality-of-mind-realising-exponential-potential/id1401964960


The Just a Thought Book Club begins…NOW! 

The Book Club is an opportunity to dive deep into the book with me. We’ll read the book together over 6 weeks, you’ll get videos that expand on the ideas in each chapter in the book, and you’ll have regular zoom calls with me and my change coaches. 

I’m so excited to immerse in this book with you in this way.

Go to dramyjohnson.com/jatbookclub to see more to register. You’re not too late but hurry because we’re starting this week! 

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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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