EP173: Choice and Regret

What if the concepts we call ‘choice’ and ‘regret’ have nothing to do with what actually happens in life? Choice and Regret

What if life lives us, and thought arises talking about intention, control, and a “you” who has intention and control…and that’s what’s happening when we say we made a choice?

Likewise, what if regret is simply a conversation playing out that talks about you and what you should have done, but in truth there was no you doing any of it, and nothing can be different than it is?  

Choice and regret are two concepts that, when unexamined, lead to a ton of suffering. 

What if they don’t have to? 



If you have ever been interested in becoming a Change Coach, please join the free webinar TODAY, November 8th.


I’ll tell you all about the coaching profession and what you can expect from the training personally and professionally. You’ll also hear from a panel of newly certified Change Coaches about their experience. We’ll stay on until all questions are answered. 


Register here: https://www.dramyjohnson.com/changecoachwebinar2021


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