EP184: Seeing Reactivity in a Completely New Way With Shelly

Shelly says she used to be overly reactive. She would get defensive at people’s actions and comments, and the feeling that came with this reactivity was overwhelming. 

After trying so many things to fix her “reactivity problem”, Shelly sees this “problem” in a completely different light now. 

Shelly shares how reactivity is simply identification with a belief. When there’s an identification with a belief as “me” or “mine”, of course there will be actions taken to defend it. It can’t be any other way.

But in seeing that thoughts are just thoughts; no one is here to own them and there is truly nothing to defend, reactivity has begun to look and feel very different for Shelly.

The horrible feeling she used to experience regularly is far less. When it’s felt now, it looks more like a loving reminder that there’s some identification happening rather than that Shelly is under attack. 

I love how Shelly talks about one of the biggest benefits of this shift–her ability to deeply listen in a way she never thought possible. With nothing to defend, she is free to be fully present with people, and even with life itself. There is so much joy and excitement in discovering life in this way. 

What Shelly shares is so relatable for all of us and I know you’ll enjoy this conversation!


The next LSBC course begins in just 2 weeks, on February 7th. 

The upcoming course will include entirely brand new content. Every lesson–which you get to keep for life–has been updated, including some new animations and updated guest teacher conversations.

If you still haven’t been through LSBC, this is the time! And if you have been through the course, this is the time to come back through with the new and improved content, to start 2022 in a great place. 

Enroll now at lsbc.com to save your seat in the February 7th course. And remember, you can save 33% on the February course and also get a huge library of digital courses when you’re part of SA+. 

I can’t wait to see you in class! 

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