EP220: Coming to terms with disappointment

In this amazing conversation, Change Coach Lindsey Eilliott shares two things in her life that she’s had to “come to terms with”: a divorce she went through several years ago, and having one child when she wanted two. 

In the case of the divorce, Lindsey feels completely over it. She describes an insight she had that freed her from suffering and how it did not come about because of anything she did or understood about how we work as humans. The capacity for this insight is clearly built into our design. 

With regard to her fertility issues, it’s still a source of emotion for Lindsey and she’s come to terms with that. It’s not buttoned up and filed away by any means and she knows it may never be. And that’s okay. This is also how “coming to terms with it” can look.

There is something very clear and beautiful about how Lindsey talks about how we’re designed to come to terms with life, and how our experience of everything is subjective and untrue. 

Please check this one out, especially if there are things you feel you can’t, or haven’t, come to terms with. And if you could use support in this regard, contact Lindsey. She’s an extremely talented and experienced coach! https://www.lindseyelliott.co.uk/


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This program is unlike any other in terms of the personal feedback, guidance, and support you receive. Check out all the details at dramyjohnson.com/coachtraining. 

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