EP301: Listener questions about suicide and self-harm

In this episode I speak to some questions from a listener about how to best support her daughter through suicidal and self- harm thoughts and actions.

The listener notices when her daughter’s mood seem to fluctuate in a way her daughter does not. I speak to how we can point to the always in flux nature of form, and also the formless health that is always present because it is who we are.

I talk about helping someone surrender into the energy they are feeling. Wanting to escape THIS through self-harm or death makes absolute perfect sense when THIS feels unfeelable, which only happens when there is a story and resistance present.

There is a lot in this episode that speaks to our humility in what arises, as well as our humility in supporting others. I hope it’s helpful to you. 


I would like to invite you to join me for a live 2-day event this summer in Plymouth, Michigan!

Over two days, July 19 and 20th, we’ll explore the absolute freedom of living in reality. We’ll settle into what is, deeply feeling the difference between that and the imaginary worlds constantly created in thought.

These live events are amazing opportunities to gather together with a group of likeminded people, see a lot in a short period of time, and form connections and have fun together. 

You can see all the details and register at dramyjohnson.com/live2024/


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