EP306: It’s All Lies

Four years ago Bill had a massive brain bleed. Three years ago, he had his first panic attack. A little over two years ago, he was desperate to end his life. Then in April 2022, he awoke one morning feeling awful, per usual. But this particular morning, for maybe three seconds, his mind went quiet and a thought came through, “It’s all lies.”

After that, he still woke up feeling awful at times and he continued to experience anxiety, but it wasn’t the same. He couldn’t be fooled in the same way. 

In this conversation, Bill shares how he knew all about resilience and that thoughts were lies conceptually, but until this insight really came to life for him, its impact was limited. 

Even so, change didn’t happen at all the way he expected. There was still anxiety and suffering in ways he wouldn’t have predicted, but change at the same time. Bill says he’s learning what true resilience is. It doesn’t look the way he thought it would. 

There are so many incredibly helpful reminders and pointers shared by Bill in this conversation. I’m so grateful to him for sharing it here! 

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