EP339: Is more joy available?

In this episode, we explore the desire for more of a specific feeling, particularly joy.

It seems obvious, doesn’t it? Of course you want more joy. Of course more joy is available. Perhaps joy is even our “default state”. We obviously want to experience more of it!

As innocent and obvious as this may seem, perhaps what’s really happening is a subtle denying of what’s here now. It’s a subtle attachment to ‘becoming’, an attachment to an imaginary ideal. 

If you want more joy, what do you not want to feel? Can you feel that

Is what is right now really not joy?


Beginning in March, I’ll be leading a small group mentoring program based around my Change Coach Self-Study course. 

The mentoring group is perfect for people who want some personal guidance and feedback as they learn to support others in this powerful way. You will have the real-time, personal aspects of a live training experience in a time- and cost effective format.

You can see the full details here: https://dramyjohnson.com/coachmentoring/ 


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