
I’d like to share a conversation with you.

It’s a conversation between Amanda and Jeanne Catherine about seeing–despite decades of struggling and suffering–that you are actually healthy and always have been.

Seeing that there is nothing to recover because the you’ve always been recovered. It’s more about uncovering the truth and seeing through the illusions that had you believing you were sick and lacking.

Amanda had an eating disorder for decades. She was told that she was fundamentally sick, that she’d likely never fully recover, that she needed to dig into her psyche to find the cause so that she could find a solution.

As it turns out, none of that was true. She’s as healthy and well today as she’s always been. She also doesn’t have an eating disorder anymore.

This conversation isn’t about eating disorders at all, so please don’t let that turn you off. It’s about the innate health and wellbeing of every human on earth. How our psychology actually works and what is not only possible, but likely.

It’s about how people experience real change. Big change, that comes from the inside out. This kind of change happens all the time, we only have to see that it does and believe that it can for us.

Listen to Amanda and Jeanne Catherine’s Conversation

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