Category: Archives (before mid-2012)

4 Tips to Feel Less Stressed About the Uncertain Future

“The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably deal with.” ~Tony Robbins“Uncertainty” may be one of the least popular places to hang out. I hear this all the time from my clients, friends, and truth be told, from the voice inside my own head. Certainty is

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If You’re a Newbie, you Have no Business Judging

There once was a tennis coach who told his students they were not allowed to make any judgments of their swing until they had hit at least 1000 balls. (I heard this from Michael Neill, my coach mind crush).Before 1000 balls, it’s all just practice. They are newbies, beginners in every sense of the word,

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Is it Really Self-Sabotage?

What’s the truth about your self-sabotage?Are you really out to get yourself? Or do you simply need a little more thought, awareness, and maybe a new plan?

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Are you Handing it Over on a Silver Platter?

In her book Life is a Verb, Patti Digh says, “We give up our power to the very people who took it from us in the first place.”  Right on, sister.If you’re upset with Them about what They did, didn’t do, or should have done, you’re giving Them a lot of power, aren’t you? You’re

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If Your Mind was a Swimming Pool…

I have a favorite new visual for calming my mind and getting to the “bottom” of things.Like the bottom of a swimming pool, actually…It’s calm at the bottom of things. The trick is keeping the waves down so that you can notice the calm.Can you float on the surface all still and quiet-like? Sounds relaxing,

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What’s Not Said

For everything that’s said, there are a million things unsaid. Two people I know of died recently.I wanted to tell Holly’s husband and children how much I liked and admired their wife and mom. How peaceful and calm and scared and human she was. But I didn’t.I wanted to tell Angel that I was so

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Overcoming Perfectionism: Perfect or F*&k It

This is a repost of a video blog I filmed back in November of 2010. That’s old. And I filmed it in my car, waiting to go into the dentist. But that imperfect style is the point, as  you’ll see…Here’s a purposely imperfect post dedicated to my awesome client whose family story is “Perfect or Fuck

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God Says Yes to Me (by Kaylin Haught)

God Says Yes To Me  I asked God if it was okay to be melodramaticand she said yesI asked her if it was okay to be shortand she said it sure isI asked her if I could wear nail polishor not wear nail polishand she said honeyshe calls me that sometimesshe said you can do

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How big is Your Universe?

Let’s say you want a convertible. What you really want is to get more sun and somewhere along the way you decided a great way to get more sun would be to drive a convertible. As soon as you made that link, your mind starting tuning into all things convertible and now all you know

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Keep Your Dreams Clean

“Your goals minus your doubts equal your reality” – Ralph MarstonExactly. In graduate school I studied the way information is mentally represented. How concepts are stored and processed and retrieved. I’m actually going to put that knowledge to use here because the way you mentally represent your dreams and your doubts is important.It says a

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