Category: Being Human

Our Self-Esteem Doesn’t Come From Outside of Us

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott My son and I went for a walk recently, and he asked if he could to listen to some music wearing the new headphones his Dad had given him. Whilst I wanted to say no…it felt far too much like he is a teenager and not 7

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When Anxiety Shows up at Your Front Door

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Kristina Bruce Anxiety came knocking on my door the other day, and walked right into my house. It’s still here actually, sitting on my couch, looking quite comfortable. I have no idea when it will leave. My immediate reaction when it arrived was, “Oh, you again.” Instead of welcoming it in,

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How Our Brains Are like a Helpful Child

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Becky Anderson As I have been building my coaching business and what feels like “putting myself out there”, so many insecurities have come up for me that do not seem to fit the situation. And what I realized recently is that of course they have. My brain has had

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A Freaky but Helpful Statistic about the Mind

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott I heard a statistic the other day that 95% of the thoughts we had yesterday, we will have today!! I’m not sure how this has been measured but it certainly feels true to me. No wonder that we all struggle with habits, addictions, low self-esteem, lack of confidence,

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The Observer Comes to Class

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Wendy Healy Sometimes I get a glimpse of the “Observer,” where two worlds connect and I get a real sense that there is something else running this thing called Life… Today the Observer is fully enjoying watching me teach Aqua class. I can feel her there, floating somewhere over my

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Unexpected Bliss

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Alex Linares Today I managed to make it to hot yoga despite all my mind’s protest regarding all the other things I should do. The last few weeks at work have been testing my ability to remember this understanding, the universe asking like a toddler: how grounded are you when

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Losing Weight Won’t Make You “Feel Like Yourself”

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Becky Gagnon I hear this phrase often from people who want to lose weight: “I just don’t feel like myself at this weight. I want to feel like myself again.” Here’s the thing though: you ARE yourself. You are yourself. Your “you-ness” doesn’t come from your body. How could it? If it did,

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Urgent Thinking

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott You know the kind of thinking I am talking about….it whirls around, and around in your head, and demands that you do something about this situation/behavior/person NOW! You feel compelled, uncomfortable, angry, resentful, anxious… and it all looks so urgent, demanding action now. It can be very hard

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The Imprints of Our Childhood

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Missy Maiorano God comes to you disguised as your life. —Father Richard Rohr Recently, I was asked to think of a childhood memory from my first decade of life. I was instructed not to overthink it…just to say the first thing that came to mind. And, without any difficulty, an image

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Separation is dangerous. Good thing it’s not real.

Everything you experience and everything you see in the world around you is filtered through the often invisible, yet incredibly powerful lens of me-and-my-life. For starters, it looks like there is a you, separate from life, having a life. It looks like there is a you, separate from life, to whom good, bad, wanted and unwanted

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