Category: Inside-out

Simplicity: Can Life Really Be Simple?

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott Doesn’t life sometimes feel pretty complex and full? I have been contemplating simplicity recently after feeling an inner nudge to simplify my life where I can, and to slow down. During the lock downs due to Covid-19 many of us would have experienced a more simple and

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Challenging the Traditional Narrative: A Different View of Self-Care

Today’s article is written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott There is a lot of emphasis on self-care today, especially for women. And this a good thing on so many levels. However like most concepts in modern life, even this can feel over complicated, or like a pressure. It can become an extra thing to do or

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Can I Just Be With This, Without the Need To Cope With, or Fix Anything?

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Suzie Yeulett Over the Christmas holiday period, my husband was incredibly busy with end of year work, commuting into London early and getting home late. My teen boys wanted to stay up late, because they were on a break from school and wanted to maximise the opportunity to chill out. Several

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A Letter to My Body

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Missy Maiorano Dear Body, Right now, as I type this, there are five distinct, beautiful blue bruises on your left leg from where a vein procedure was performed last week. In addition, there is a rather large pinkish-red prickly rash where the medical tape was left on a little too

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What if We Just Need To Face the Other Way?

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Suzie Yeulett Once you see the inside out nature of life, it’s natural to become more tolerant and understanding, because we can only ever see the world through our own lens, or point of perspective, and so can everyone else. That still references an outward view, but from the inside

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All Is Well.

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Missy Maiorano Back in 2018, when I was struggling with anxiety and depression, I was drawn to reading biographies about people who had gone through unimaginable suffering only to emerge on the other side stronger and more peaceful and resilient than ever. In most of the stories, the people

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I Was Caught Streaking!

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Kelly O’Connell “It’s ruined. I’m a failure.” I woke up in the middle the night and realized I hadn’t done a class on my Peloton app the day before. You see, I made a commitment to myself starting January 1 to complete 365 days of Peloton classes IN A

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The Simple Power of Noticing

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Suzie Yeulett I find myself just noticing life unfolding more and more. Something has shifted so that I see myself as the ‘noticer’, or the perceiver of life, rather than the ‘doer’ more often. I first felt this shift when my Mum was at her end of life. It was as

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Our Self-Esteem Doesn’t Come From Outside of Us

Today’s article was written by Change Coach Lindsey Elliott My son and I went for a walk recently, and he asked if he could to listen to some music wearing the new headphones his Dad had given him. Whilst I wanted to say no…it felt far too much like he is a teenager and not 7

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