Category: Inside-out

What to “do” With Your Scariest Thoughts

I got up to change the baby’s diaper last night and when I came back to bed, something seemed off about my husband. He seemed to be sleeping unusually still. I couldn’t hear or see him breathing.  My mind immediately raced to what life would be like if he were dead.Read the rest on Purpose

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How to Drop the Extra (Mental) Weight

“Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” -Thich Nhat HanhMost people I know are carrying extra weight—and I’m not talking about gaining a few pounds.  I’m talking about the mental and emotional weight we lug around with us. We carry it everywhere—like a backpack full of bricks—and it weighs

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Conducting the Symphony of Shoulds

I recently spent an entire week writing down all my thoughts that began with the words “I should”. I went through a lot of paper.Some were blatantly obvious. They flowed from my head and straight out of my mouth, like when I told hubby, “I should be working, it’s almost 9am” as we cleaned up

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Are you Doing What’s Normal or What’s Natural?

I have a beautiful new client who wants to feel better. She has a lot of circumstances in her life that no one would wish for.Because of those circumstances, her well-meaning friends expect her to be in constant misery. Her dear, benevolent friends believe that happiness and peace of mind come from the outside-in.They believe

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A New Way to Make a Wish

Willow and I have a girls’ day routine. We go for a long walk and I take her to a park she loves because there is a fountain levitra online buy levitra no prescription no prescription She stands on the ledge of the fountain. I give her a penny and tell her to throw

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Being the Perfect Girl

“You can be anything you want.”  Empowering, right?  One of my all-time favorite books discusses how my generation grew up with feminist mothers “empowering” us with this very statement, day in and day out.My mom taught me this. Did yours?But instead of empowering us, that simple little statement set off a lifelong quest for perfectionism.

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What to do When you Don’t Know What you Want

For all the talk about getting clear on what you want, having a vision, keeping your eye on the prize……I want to tell you that it’s also okay to have no flippin’ clue what’s next. It’s okay to not know exactly what you want.It’s okay to have no vision. Or for your vision to simply

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Whose Opinion do you Trust?

Whose opinion do you trust? When all those outside opinions of  you are screaming in your head, which one is loudest? Which carries the most weight?  Which one do you believe over the others?buy vardenafil online buy vardenafil no prescription no prescriptionThe voice that sounds most assertive or confident?buy clomiphene online buy clomiphene no prescription

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How to be More Consistent

A client recently asked for some motivation. Specifically, she wanted to be motivated to consistently take some actions that she was currently being inconsistent about.Even more specific…how ‘bout I just tell you exactly what she said?Client:“I exercise sporadically, I make efforts towards finding a new job sporadically, I take care of my needs sporadically. I

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