Whose Mind is It Anyway? A Video Interview with Two Cool Authors about an Amazing Book

I don’t have enough space here to list all the wonderful things about the book, Whose Mind is it Anyway? by Lisa and Franco Esile. But I’ll list a few: Whose-Mind-Book-3D

  • This little book sneaks essential truths about human life into a FUN, quirky, creative package.
  • You’re likely to experience an inner space and quiet–the voices in your head will begin to sound far less daunting–after you read it.
  • You’ll laugh out loud, and probably also feel a whole lot of relief.
  • You’ll get a kick out of the illustrations that Lisa and Franco created (note: check out the wood floors!)

In a nutshell, Lisa and Franco have managed to teach this profound and yet simple understanding about how life really works in an incredibly down-to-earth and entertaining way.

You really should check it out, in case I haven’t mentioned that.

I had a conversation with Lisa and Franco recently about the book and about their creative process. They are a husband and wife team who accidentally realized that years ago, before they knew each other, they had each independently stumbled across an understanding of life that helped them through tough times.

In the interview you’ll see:

  • How the understanding they write about helped them personally
  • How they worked together on the book (a really fascinating discussion about how they let each others’ ideas flourish–especially of interest to those of you who create things!)
  • Their comments on various sections of the book and the origin of the woman on the toilet picture (I’m telling you, this is a really unique book!)

Watch the interview below.

Lisa and Franco Esile Discussing their Book

Here’s where you can find Lisa and Franco and their awesome book:


Buy the book on Amazon (and maybe leave a positive review if you love the book…we authors are incredibly, unbelievably grateful for those reviews) or anywhere books are sold.

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