My Interview on Psychology, Spirituality, Bad Moods, and Finding Your Way

interviewI was interviewed last week by my friend Lisa Esile (you know her…she’s the one who wrote that really cool piece about her year of silence that I shared with you a couple weeks ago).

Anyway, Lisa teaches and writes about very similar things that I teach and write about. We have a lot in common that way.

So she was re-reading Being Human and asked if we could do a Skype interview to look at some of the ideas in my book a bit more, and then share it with you all.

Of course I said yes.

The interview was awesome. She asked some excellent questions that highlight some of the most helpful perspectives either of us have come across in everything we’ve learned.

We talked about a lot of other stuff too, but those were some of the biggies.

And we both went away feeling like it was not only super fun, but would be really helpful to share (we were humble about it, but this feels like such important stuff).

So please do watch. Or download the audio only if you want to take us on your run or if you just prefer to not see us (we understand).

And if questions or thoughts occur to you, feel free to go over to Lisa’s site and post them if you’d like, and I’ll be addressing them all there.

(And check out her articles while you’re there. She has a really unique style that I’m very jealous of).

We hope you enjoy the interview!

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