EP37: How Guilt is Changeable. Part 1 of my Conversation with John Flaherty

Changeable is about the way humans work.

The way we’re inherently free, inherently healthy and at peace. And how, in our every day lives, we don’t always feel those things.  We feel dis-ease, suffering, trapped.

What traps us? It’s always thought-brought-to-life that appears personal and real.

That thought takes many forms. In today’s conversation, I talk with John Flaherty about when the form is guilt. Guilt is so gripping, so pervasive, sometimes so subtle. It stands in the way of our peace and it doesn’t have to.

There was so much in this conversation with John that I split it into two parts. Enjoy Part 1 of my conversation about guilt, with John Flaherty.

You can see more about John and his books here. The book we reference in this conversation, which I highly recommend is called Guilt Unplugged: Waking Up from the Lie we Live.

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