EP95: You Have No Personality (and Neither do Serial Killers)

There is no such thing as a mean or evil person. 

Or a kind person, a funny person, a clumsy person. 

There are just people–always healthy, always pure, always full of love and connection at their core (yes, even Hitler. Even serial killers), who do unkind things, and also some kind things. 

No different than any of us. We all do unkind things when we’re hurting, and only when we’re hurting. 

In this episode, we’ll look at psychological innocence through the lens of personality and character, and vice versa. 

You’ll hear about a really lovely, kind man who wanted to murder. And a rapist who was a really lovely, kind man.  

And we’ll look at how personality and character are like colors. Not anywhere near as discrete as they seem. 

Here’s a link to Bill Cumming’s Tedx talk mentioned in this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVykjRig5aI


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