EP121: Gina’s Change Story: Caretaking and Meeting Your Elderly Parents for the First Time

Gina has been the primary caregiver for her father and step-mother, during a pandemic, no less. To make matters worse, her husband has had some recent health challenges and she’s been caring for him as well.

As many of you know firsthand, caretaking can be a huge job.

She’s felt the enormity and exhaustion and uncertainty of it all many times. She’s also felt a lot of other things. 

Like peace. Acceptance. Gratitude. 

And she’s come to meet her dad and stepmom for the first time after spending her entire life with them. She used to think they were negative and she experienced them that way. But now, when she meets them in real time without her story in tow, she often has a very different experience of them. She even has a different experience of their negativity 🙂 

Please enjoy this amazing conversation with Gina! 

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