EP176: Thriving with Chronic Pain with Kjersti Ostvik

Kjersti experienced a range of chronic pain conditions from the age of 11.

From headaches to ulcers to pelvic issues, her pain morphed and changed, often showing up in new ways. 

Kjersti tried many things to help alleviate her pain, but it was really when she began diving into the New Paradigm that she began really seeing things in a new way. She saw that perhaps pain was getting her attention. Perhaps it wasn’t a problem or an indication of things gone wrong, but a helpful pointer leading her toward what was right and perfect about her body and her design.

Kjersti learned to listen to her body and the journey pain led her through is remarkable. Today, Kjersti is a Change Coach who supports people with chronic pain. She still has some health diagnoses but she has a very different experience of pain.

In this episode, we’ll talk about a course we recently led together called Thriving with Chronic Pain. Over the course of four weeks, four women came to see their pain–and a lot more– in a very, very different way.  We’ll share a bit about how their process went, and what their experience shows us about our design. 

There is so much in this conversation that will be incredibly helpful for everyone, whether or not you’ve ever experienced chronic pain.

If you’re struggling with chronic pain or know someone who is, please check out the course with Kjersti here: dramyjohnson.com/thrivingwithchronicpain

To see more about Kjersti and find out more about how she supports people, check out her website here: https://www.ostvikcoaching.com/

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