EP209: There is no reason

Are there reasons for things? 

Your mind definitely thinks there are. Not only does everything have a reason (according to your mind), it’s very important that you know the reasons. Reasons equal control, and control equals survival. 

So, yes…we often seem to reside in a world full of separate things with lots of reasons that explain how those separate things are related. 

But what about the world beyond that brain-created narrative? You know there is life beyond that brain-created narrative, right? It’s the awareness in which the story of you and all those reasons rises and falls.

In that space, how could there be reasons? There is only This. Only Life or Energy or whatever word we want to use to point to the only one no-thing there is. 

Without separation, there are obviously no reasons. 


The Change Coach Self-Study Course provides a foundation that allows you to help people become free of habits, anxiety, and all forms of suffering.

The course focuses on your own understanding of what’s true of all people and how change works. You experience your own personal transformation so that you can guide others with conviction and clarity.

As your grounding deepens, you’ll learn the ins and outs of having conversations that allow people to see their own health. You’ll get to watch several full coaching sessions that will be debriefed and discussed, get lessons on issues that commonly arise in working with others, hear from seasoned practitioners such as Mavis Karn and Mark Howard, get my latest business building workshop, and so much more.

The Change Coach Self-Study Course is perfect for you if you’re already working with people (either as a coach or therapist, or in HR, education, business…) or if you’ve never worked with people in this way but you’re ready to expand your grounding and see if coaching is for you.

The newly expanded and improved Change Coach Self-Study Course is hugely discounted for members of Student Access Plus. Best of all, if you decide to go through the 6-month, live Change Coach Certification Course in 2023, what you pay toward the self-study course goes toward your tuition.

Check out the full details of this in-depth, new and improved training course here: https://dramyjohnson.com/change-coach-training-the-home-study-course/


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The Little School of Big Change is a program designed to help you overcome anxiety and unwanted habits without needing to rely on willpower or self-discipline.

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