EP215: Saying hello to what arises with Christina Brittain

Christina Brittain is a Change Coach who loves to notice, feel, look at, and talk about energy.

She notices that there is an energy of moving experience and a somehow different, more stable and subtle energy that she calls “the energy of me”.

Christina loves to swim in the energy that’s arising. She loves to say hello to it as the ultimate way to welcome it in. 

When we welcome energy–which can be as simple as looking toward it to say hi–there is no resistance. When there is no resistance, energy flows freely. 

Christina is an excellent coach who I would highly recommend checking out, especially if you’re wanting to lean into–and say hello to–what’s arising. You can see more about her and her work here: https://christinabrittain.com/


Join me this Wednesday, August 31st for a free class called A Fresh Take on Traditional Mental Health Treatment.

If you’re disappointed with the results you’ve gotten from traditional psychology or medication and you’re open to a fresh alternative, you won’t want to miss this free class.

Register at https://dramyjohnson.com/freshtake/.  I hope to see you there!

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