EP312: It’s Not Up to Me with Lisa Giruzzi

In episode 306, Bill Giruzzi shared his experience and the insights he had during a period of extreme anxiety and suicidal depression. In today’s episode, his wife Lisa shares the incredible insights she had during that same time.  

In so many profound ways, Lisa deeply realized that nothing in life is really up to her. When Bill was in ICU for four weeks after a near fatal brain bleed… in the early days of Covid and she couldn’t visit him at all…it wasn’t up to her. She was forced to let go and let things unfold. 

For the year or so afterward as he frequently talked about planning his suicide, Lisa again saw that it wasn’t up to her. There was nothing she could do to ensure that things would go the way she wanted them to. 

Lisa talks about one of our greatest fears–being completely powerless in the worst of circumstances – actually being our greatest freedom. This is an amazing conversation. 

You can see more about Lisa here.


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