Category: Video

If Your Mind was a Swimming Pool…

I have a favorite new visual for calming my mind and getting to the “bottom” of things.Like the bottom of a swimming pool, actually…It’s calm at the bottom of things. The trick is keeping the waves down so that you can notice the calm.Can you float on the surface all still and quiet-like? Sounds relaxing,

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Overcoming Perfectionism: Perfect or F*&k It

This is a repost of a video blog I filmed back in November of 2010. That’s old. And I filmed it in my car, waiting to go into the dentist. But that imperfect style is the point, as  you’ll see…Here’s a purposely imperfect post dedicated to my awesome client whose family story is “Perfect or Fuck

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Taming the Thoughts with David Trotter

I was recently interviewed by David Trotter of Launch52.(Check out Launch52. It’s cool. His free Guide to Re-launch your Life is very personal and very concrete).We gab about my ebook Taming the Thoughts that Run Wild, how to Tame your own thoughts, how to experience complete emotional freedom in your life, and how to Create.  Yeah,

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Create Your Life by Living Like Everyday is Halloween

Dressing up and Playing make believe rocks.Maybe we could all do a little more of it in our everyday life. You know, as a way to create what you want.Act as if and before you know it, you’re not acting. Hope you enjoy my buggy guest host…Want some help playing ‘make believe’ in your life?

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