Tag: create

Changing Your Story: An Unbelievable Personal Tale

Technologically speaking, it’s been a hell of month. I wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t (barely) living through it. It all started August 9th when hubby, Willow and I were driving from Detroit to Montreal. We purposely chose to do the 10 hour drive during a work day so that I could work most of

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Responsibility vs. Blame

Do you know the difference between responsibility and blame?Responsibility is empowering. It’s powerful. It’s all good.When you take responsibility for your life, you put yourself in the driver’s seat.  When you take responsibility for having hurt someone, you accept what you did so that you can learn from your mistakes and move on.Responsibility = Acceptance.

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Create Your Life by Living Like Everyday is Halloween

Dressing up and Playing make believe rocks.Maybe we could all do a little more of it in our everyday life. You know, as a way to create what you want.Act as if and before you know it, you’re not acting. Hope you enjoy my buggy guest host…Want some help playing ‘make believe’ in your life?

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Lucky You

I just saw an article about a man in Missouri who won the lottery…twice. Two separate lotteries, a few months apart. He says he’s lucky.Are you?Where do you think luck comes from? Is it in your genes or based on your star sign or the result of karma? Do we play any part in the

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Change the Channel

I have conflicting feelings about television.Of course I don’t believe there’s anything inherently bad about TV. But that’s not saying much, because I also don’t believe there’s anything inherently bad about crack.Which actually isn’t far off the mark, as far comparisons go. My issue with TV is that it’s so easy to cross that line

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Signs From the Universe

If you’ve coached with me, you’ve probably heard me talk about the metaphor of sticks and birds.In the practice of creating anything, its common to go through a period where you have a lot of near misses. You  intend for more money and find out you’re getting an unexpected check for $1000, only to have

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