Is There one General Piece of Advice?

In the movie How do you know? Reese Witherspoon asks her therapist: “Is there one general piece of advice that can help almost anyone in almost any situation?” Is There one General Piece of Advice?

Good question.

What’s your answer? You may not be a psychologist or a life coach and you may not help people find their way in any formal way. But your words, advice, and example change lives. Probably much more than you even know.

So what’s one general piece of advice you think can help almost anyone in almost any situation?

The psychiatrist in the movie said: “Figure out what you want and learn how to ask for it.”

I can see that. I like that answer.

My answer? It’s hard; there are so many possibilities. I think I’d have to go with: “Treat yourself the way you’d treat an innocent little child”.

Because at the root of every problem I’ve ever seen with anyone is a failure to cut themselves some slack. Failure to relax. Failure to choose to love themselves right now, not once they meet some condition.

What an interesting question though, don’t you think?  What’s your answer? Give us some advice!

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