Making Choices with Brand New Thought Rather than What’s Already on Your Hard Drive

We’ve all been in that place of thinking we need to decide or figure something out that we just can’t decide or figure out.

We can’t see what we can’t see, until we can.

But what do we do in that period of not seeing? We often scratch and claw at an answer, trying desperately to see something that isn’t yet visible to us.

We use our heads–our hard-drive-like, intellectual minds to figure it out. And we come up short (and end up very frustrated) because the answer simply doesn’t live on the hard drive. If it did, we’d have it already.

Please watch this short video below to see what we can do instead. It’s a far easier and more fruitful way to navigate life, and it’s available to you right this very minute.


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Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to End Self-Doubt and Make Peace with your Mind is available in all formats. Download the Introduction and Chapter 1 now!

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